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Stained Concrete Floors Cost for Every Project
There is a wide range of stained concrete floors cost that there seems to be not one standard price for it. Prices differ based on where the project is, on the kind of contractor hired, the reputation of the contractor in the industry, the season, and many other factors.
In some states, however, there could be a said standard stained concrete floors cost. For example, in Aliquippa, a place in Pennsylvania, the cost of a simple application of concrete stain is around $2 to $4 for every square foot. This cost already includes the cleanup job, the final sealer coating and it involves minimal slab preparation. For larger projects, the price per square-foot is usually lower.
When it comes to a more complex and more difficult staining project, per square foot is pricier. These are stain applications that involve saw cut patterning and that work with various colors between different sawed lines. This cost around $4 to $10 for every square foot.
Applications that involve sawed patterns and that makes use of several color buildups are provided by contractors are a price that is not lower than $8 for every square foot. And sometimes, the price per square foot go as high as $15, or more.
Probably the most expensive cost for stained concrete is the one that involves a sandblast of stencil work. This includes, aside from staining, cleaning up and application of concrete seal only on the area that is stenciled. The cost of this job is at a minimum of $12 per square foot of the stenciled area. The cost could go up at around $25, depending on the reputation and goodwill established by the contractor, and among other factors.
The cost of a staining job is an important factor in hiring a contractor. Most people would prefer those that are averagely-priced and would think that those that are too cheap might not yield a satisfying result, while those that provide a very high cost of service is a rip off. While these assumptions may have good basis, it has to be remembered that it is not always the case.
Sometimes, those that provide their services for a low price are able to do so such because they are a very big company that have enough clientele to be able to afford a lower cost for their service.
Sometimes those that provide their services at a very high cost have the right to do so because their end-result is superb and durable. They could be using only top of the line materials, thus they need to increase their service cost. And sometimes, they are just really good that they know that raising their service cost is something that people will not mind.
There are many factors to consider when choosing the contractor that one will hire. The stained concrete floors cost is often a good basis for wanting or not wanting to hire a contractor, but other factors like those mentioned above must be considered as well.