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Why is Stamped Concrete a Great Alternative to Bricks, Cobbles and Pavers
Another home remodeling trend is impressing homeowners and it comes in the form of stamped concrete. While the application is nothing new at all, it seems that the recent techniques applied into their production and design allowed many homeowners to recognize the benefits of its usage. This specific type of concrete is now available in special pigmentation and texture that makes them a charming addition to the exteriors not just of commercial structures but in residential homes, too.
What exactly is it?
As the name itself suggests, stamped concrete is the method of or putting slab concrete over the desired location whether it is in the walkway, driveway, or patio in which different textures and patterns are literally stamped. These stamping process is performed before the poured over slab concrete dries out. And over the years, the designs have been rather plain and nothing more impressive than duplicated patterns. Recent developments however, have now made it possible to copy and make the same impression as bricks, cobblestones, wood, pavers and other surfaces. And to make a more realistic copy of such surfaces, special pigments are also applied to recreate the same look.
Why not go for the original?
If homeowners love bricks, cobblestones and pavers so much, why don't they just go for the original instead of choosing a mere duplicate? While brick surfaces, cobblestones and pavers provide a charming look with their interlocked pieces, the same source of its charm can be problematic as well. That is because the interlocking of the pieces makes the surface prone to frost-heave as well as other changes that aren't exactly desired. Some unsightly things may also grow in between the cracks which means you will have to be willing to make an effort at maintenance and weed them out of grass.
With the alternative however, you will get the same charming look but lesser the maintenance trouble. The surface for the stamped concretes is rather solid and continuous, there are no cracks and no spaces in between that will encourage weeds to grow. Although, stamped concretes appear to have the same cracks as the originals, it is merely an impression to provide a realistic look as the original.
What are the available options?
If you are trying to be more practical about it but at the same time a little more conscious with the aesthetics of your home, the available selection of stamped concretes presents great options. So, if you have been planning to install bricks, cobbles or pavers anyway, you may want to look at the available textures, patterns and colors for stamped concretes. What you choose basically depend on your own taste and preference but it is good to note that this alternative exists and they can look as great on the outdoors as the original will with lesser effort at maintenance.
Can I do the installation myself?
Because the installation of stamped concrete is rather complex, it may be more recommended to leave it at the hands of professionals. This way, you can ensure that things are done right and maximize the look you are trying to achieve with this material.